# # XISTRAT TODO: # # contains bugs, known issues, errata, urgent features to keep in mind # # author: kai_brommann@yahoo.com # date of last update: 2006-12-10 # a.)[3D] -using texture results in a slow scene (probably our fault) -the gui/d3 tools exit with some SIGSEGV (again it may be us) b.)[net and gaming] -Reversi, n-in-a-row -'Rubicon-and-friends'-like games and morphing: full groups, plastic rendering, single-agent game (GUI), autosolver -perhaps replace the thread-per-socket framework by a client-server architecture based on java.nio.* c.)[engine] -once in a while the Chess engine will refute to return a move but think forever, saving the reached end position and starting a new game from this point will have no problems though! (repair this, has it to do with search inconsistencies, the new start simply empties the hashtables)?! -experiment with more standard tricks d.)[retrograde] e.)[problems] -create a nice Grimshaw problem f.)[math] -ExportData -q: creating and storing the trails/orbits for every constellation doesn't make sense, instead use a HashMap (which for a given starting position will return the result of applying the generator "a" or "aa" respectively) -extend the 2-body system procedure to the case of general graphs with boundaries -fillTrails: replace the use of face_ids (for the labels in sp) with pairs of point_ids (or edges) in order to be able to deal with faces-connected-over-multiple-edges -try out alternative coordinate lines (for example on a rubik_cube_3) and observe the effects on the resulting group (should be none, or not?!) -translate the stuff about permutations into the world of modules to reach the next level of knowledge:-) -generalize the holonomy group (that is to say: not only for a piece of type A) -first of all find all possible graphs resulting from the morphing procedure, then later on deal with the group -standard dynamics as in classical mechanics -simplified explicit n-body forward simulation (some system of coupled diff. equ. animation) -start the cellular automata topic (again just eye-candy is enough) g.)[general] -clean up, profile, tune and tweak the source code